Philosophy and Outline of our center

Philosophy and Outline of our center

Residential hospital for children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities(SMID)
/long-term hospitalization, day care service, short-term service (respite care), outpatient clinics, rehabilitation, support for community-care.

Tokyo Metropolitan Tobu Medical(Ryoiku) Center for Persons with Severe Developmental/multiple Disabilities(TRC)

Building exterior

※Do our best to help persons with disabilities to overcome the conditions which cause malfunction and threaten their lives.
※Work out the better way of “Ryoiku” in order to realize the aspiration of each person with disabilities.
※We make persons with disabilities and his/her family understand the objectives and contents of the services we provide through close communication.
※We make efforts to create a community where people, with or without disabilities, support mutually by means of the interactions and exchanges.
Notes: “Ryoiku” means medical cares, education and nursing.

Established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Administrated by Social Welfare Foundations, Nationwide Association for Children (Persons) with Severe Physical and Intellectual Disabilities

Outline of Tokyo Metropolitan Tobu Medical (Ryoiku) Center for Persons with Severe Developmental/multiple Disabilities(TRC).

1.Role of a comprehensive rehabilitation center.

(1)Number of beds, 120.
※Long-term hospitalization (90 beds):
TRC accepts persons with severe motor and intellectual   disabilities (SMID) who can not stay at home for several reasons on the long term basis. TRC treats them through therapeutic education, rehabilitation and medical cares.
※Short-term service(respite care) (24 beds):
TRC accepts persons with SMID for short term when their family can not take care of them at home because of the illness or other conditions.
※Hospitalization for acute diseases (6 beds):
Beds can be used to treat patients with SMID, when they have complications such as infection, respiratory failure and convulsion.

(2) Outpatient clinics (100 per a day):
Patients with developmental disabilities, such as motor delay, developmental delay, speech delay, and behavioral problems, which are usually recognized before adolescent. You need reservation at the first visit. We have 13 departments, such as Pediatrics, Neurology, Dentistry, Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, Surgery, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Gynecology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, and Urology. Except for Pediatrics, Neurology, Dentistry, Rehabilitation, clinics are run by part-time doctors once or twice a month. (Please call and ask us about details.)

Day care bus

(3) Day care services (35 per a day):
Persons with SMID over 18 years old who need intense medical cares are regarded as the subjects, and TRC treats them through therapeutic education, and rehabilitation. Daily programs are also provided.
❊We started another day care service for babies and infants on September 2008.

(4) Bokuto special school:
A branch of Bokuto special school has been installed in the center since 2006, and the teachers educate and raise the children in the center, cooperating with us.

2.Provide sophisticated “Ryoiku” services.

TRC will provide cares and medicine even for persons with SMID-MCDG(medical care dependent group),who have extremely profound disabilities and need very intense medical cares, such as mechanical ventilation. TRC also provide sophisticated “Ryoiku” to promote persons to live in their homes with good quality of life.

3.Support persons with SMID to live in the community.

Hospital image

TRC has established inter-regional association, and enriched consultation and guidance in order to support the daily life of persons with SMID and their families. Also, TRC supports persons with SMID according to their stages of life through providing the technological assistance for institutions and cooperating with the related organizations in the community.

4.Be a base to dispatch information.

TRC sends the necessary information such as services available at home and rehabilitation to children (persons) with disabilities, their family, staffs of institutions and medical-related persons. (http://www.tobu-ryoiku.jp/)

5.Cooperate with the community.

Pool image

In order to make people understand persons with disabilities deeply, TRC commits to activities below; opening the institution's facilities to the community(the pool, bathes, the Toys Library, Snoezelen room), working for interactions and exchanges with volunteer organizations, taking action for spread and enlightenment toward the community.

Building summary

Steel reinforced concrete
Site area 8,936㎡
Architectural area 11,171㎡

plan third floor
plan fourth floor
plan second floor
plan first floor